What was the YMCA Youth Unify Leadership Camp 2016?
Ukraine, 21st – 27th August 2016
UNIFY is a platform for European YMCAs to share and explore about the Christian Mission of the YMCA.
Unify is gathering together young leaders from across Europe for a leadership camp in Verhovyna, Ukraine.
· Continue dialogue and initiate practice that enables the development of Christian mission in local YMCA contexts
· Grow as disciples of Christ
Delegate criteria
· Some responsibility at a local YMCA level
· Some leadership experience
· A desire to see Christian mission developed through the YMCA
· An understanding of, and commitment to the Christian faith
· Aimed at young people aged 18-30.
The programme is still being planned. There will be plentiful opportunities for:
· Teaching on leadership and mission
· Worship together that expresses the different Christian traditions
· Small Group discussions
· Visit to a local YMCA
· Recreation activities both on and offsite, including opportunities for hiking and river swimming
The location of the camp is pleasant but remote. You will need to choose whether you wish to camp or stay in a shared room. Bedding is provided in the shared rooms. Bedding is not provided in the tents.
Planning Group
The planning group is made up of representatives from Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Germany, Switzerland, Iceland and England.